Hello avid readers of mine,
Graham's usual avatar |
This post is a critique of
Graham Duck purportedly from Lancashire who usually uses the user-name
Wherever his surname really is Duck or a reference to the animated duck avatar he uses or to his sexuality one can only speculate.
Certainly the overtly camp replies I’ve received from him in the past suggests the latter.
A long-term cohort of Eddie Mitchell, he's a prolific poster on Eddies blog and other social media of dietary advice aimed at diabetics.
Recommendations apparently based on his own personal experience and anecdotal so called evidence from the net.
Hinted to be educated, I suspect like Eddie he not qualified to take about anything, let alone diabetes management.
He claims his material comes from peer reviewed research. Clearly if you give his post more than just a cursory glance and your knowledgeable on science. You realise quickly this isn't the case and he doesn't really know what he's talking about.
Just like his long term writing partner Eddie, Graham is a lowcarb advocate and big pharm conspiracy theorist.
With a dangerous stance on medication, with the wild claim that diabetics can get by with little to no medication.
This may be true in the early stages of type 2 diabetes, but once the condition has progressed to the point of needing medication. Most people will have to take it for the rest of their lives and this is certainly true of type 1 diabetes. Right now, there's no cure for diabetes only management.
Graham is your typical out of touch out-of-touch argumentative old man who dismisses modern medical science and views it with suspicion.
No doubt posting his quackery and big pharm conspiracy theories during a local silver surfers meeting at the library.
He's the type of old-time codger that would turn up at MacDonald's trying to book a table for two and to examine the wine list.
Certainly if you are a diabetic, I would think twice if not three times about following any of his recommendations.
Graham knows nothing about your medical history or the severalty of your diabetics.
So his peddling and recommendation of Eddies
dodgy dietary regime which is simply not fit for purpose and implying you don't need medication is in my opinion dangerous.
Paul Jones Phd